A Quick Rundown of All the New Lightroom 2024 Features

In the past few months, Adobe's suite of software has rocketed forward with features, most of which are AI-powered. Now, Lightroom 2024 has a plethora of new functionality that could be useful to you, so here is a quick rundown of what's new and what each addition does.
My Favorite Headphones Ever: Bose QuietComfort (2023)

The all-new Bose QuietComfort Headphones really aren't that new at all. They are almost Identical to the QC35 headphones that came out in 2016. They are boring — perfectly boring — and that's why they are my favorite headphones ever.

The World's Most Advanced Thunderbolt Dock - iVanky VCD10

If you're looking for the largest Thunderbolt dock on the market with double the bandwidth of every other dock (80gbps), the iVanky VCD10 20-in-1 dock is probably your only option. It's expensive, but I'm happy to say, it actually works.
Understanding Adobe's Vision for Generative AI

Adobe Max is a three-day conference in Los Angeles, CA attended by designers, illustrators, photographers, and social media content creators. Attendees can watch presentations by Adobe representatives and attend educational sessions given by independent creators. This year, Generative AI was mentioned in many presentations. This feature is implemented in unique ways across the programs that make up Adobe’s Creative Cloud, and it often feels to the user that they have more effective communication with programs that have AI enhancement.

More Canon Lenses Are Coming Before the End of 2023

Canon has had their foot firmly planted on the gas when it comes to RF lenses, releasing many in a short few years and pushing the boundaries of design with some remarkably capable options. And while 2023 is coming to a close, it seems the company is not yet done, with more lenses likely to come in the next few months.

Why Believing in Yourself Matters in Photography

Being a creative is often anything but easy, and doubt in your abilities can creep in due to all sorts of factors. That can have serious consequences on your ability to produce images, and that can lead to a spiral of reinforcement that hinders your progress. This excellent video essay features an experienced landscape photographer discussing the issue and why a positive mindset can lead you to compelling photos even in poor conditions.

A Photographer's Review of the New Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone

The new Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone is here, and the company continues to place some pretty neat photography innovations in their devices. This excellent video review takes a look at the new phone, particularly its photo features, and shows the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

Tips to Level Up Your Street Photography With Marion Mou

If you’re looking to level up your street photography techniques, check out some of the essential tips that we learned from our Sony Kando interview with renowned street photographer Marion Mou.
A Review of the 7artisans Photoelectric 9mm f/5.6 Lens

At 9mm, the 7artisans Photoelectric 9mm f/5.6 offers the widest focal length available in a full frame rectilinear lens, making it an intriguing choice for landscapes, architecture, and much more. With such an extreme design and a reasonable price ($479), can it still offer the sort of performance and image quality discerning photographers demand? This excellent video review takes a look at what you can expect.

Google’s New ‘Fix It in Post’ Pixel 8 Smartphones

I've long been a fan of Google's Pixel lineup of phones for its photography prowess, but with the release of the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, it's clear that photographers are not necessarily the market for what is considered a solid lineup of phone cameras.

Enhancing Your Composition by Using the Often Overlooked Lines in the Sky

Lines play an important role in the art of composition. They serve as guides directing the viewer's attention, emphasizing the subject within the frame. While we often find lines with the prominent features of a landscape, it's crucial not to overlook the lines in the sky.

Which Mac Is Right for You?

Photographers and filmmakers have never had so many choices of Macs available to them, and as such, it can be a little tricky knowing which one is right for you. If you are looking for a new computer and wondering which Mac is best for your work, check out this helpful video that will take you through the lineup and show you the best models for different applications.

The Joy of Large Format Photography

While there are differences between micro four thirds, APS-C, full frame, and medium format, the general shooting experience of all those various sensor sizes is mostly the same. On the other hand, large format photography is an entirely different process and approach, but if you are willing to put in the time and effort to tackle the beast, you will be rewarded with incredible images unlike anything you have even seen before. This awesome video takes a look at the experience and its impact on how you shoot.

A Review of the Impressive Nikon NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena Lens

The Nikon NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena lens is making waves for its incredible image quality and bokeh, making it an enticing option for portrait and wedding photographers. Just how good is it in usage? This great video review takes a look at everything you can expect from the lens.

Dust Anyone? We Review the Nitecore BB21

The cleaning of your equipment is an essential part of your photographic practice. Up until a month ago, I used my blower brush and cleaning pen for this. Now, however, these two items have not seen the light of day since I received my Nitecore BB21 blower. This small, versatile, and compact device has taken over the cleaning of my camera gear and a few other components as well.

A Review of the New Nikon NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S Lens

The new Nikon NIKKOR Z 600mm f/6.3 VR S promises wildlife, bird, and sports photographers a ton of reach in tandem with a remarkably portable design sure to please those who are used to carrying around massive supertelephoto primes. How does it hold up in practice? This excellent video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

What Filters Are Really Necessary for Landscape Photographers?

Landscape photographers often employ filters for a variety of reasons in order to shape and improve their images. With so many options out there, it can be difficult for a beginner to know which filters are truly useful and which you can probably live without. This helpful video tutorial features an experienced landscape photographer discussing some of the most important filters for the genre.

Why Should You Challenge Yourself?

Picture the scene, you are at a location, camera in hand, ready to capture some epic shots of a landscape that looks the same as it has thousands of years ago! You, however, are not alone, you are in the company of other photographers who feel that a challenge is in order and not any old challenge, an only 400mm challenge.

Do You Really Need a Tilt-Shift Lens?

Tilt-shift lenses were once must-have equipment for certain genres of photography, particularly architecture, as they allowed photographers a high level of control in order to correct geometric issues and produce the highest quality images. Nonetheless, cameras have come a long way in recent years, and modern editing software can produce small miracles. So, do you still need a tilt-shift lens? This interesting video essay discusses the issue.

The Importance of Light in Landscape Photography

In landscape photography, just like any other, light can make or break a photo, and as such, one of the most important things a new photographer should do is learn how to read light. This awesome video tutorial features an experienced professional discussing how to read light and how urban environments can help you become a better landscape photographer.

Dodging and Burning Isn't Just for Portraits

When most photographers think of dodging and burning, they think of it being used to sculpt a subject's face and as a high-end retouching technique. But dodging and burning is nothing more than the skillful shaping of light in a frame, and as such, it is an appropriate and useful technique for just about any genre of photography. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to use it to create a dramatic landscape image.

If You’re Nervous About an Upcoming Photoshoot, You Should Be

Whether you are new to photography or a seasoned professional, sometimes pre-shoot nerves can feel overwhelming. This article explores why even pro photographers still experience pre-shoot nerves and how to use that feeling in the pit of your stomach to your advantage.

The 400mm Landscape Photography Challenge

When you think of landscape photography, you likely think of using a wide angle lens to capture a wide swath of a scene in order to encapsulate its grandeur. And while that is an excellent way to use a wide angle lens and one of the primary reasons they are so popular, longer focal lengths have a place in landscape photography as well. This fun video follows some of YouTube's most well-known landscape photographers as they grab their 400mm lenses to see what they can create.

One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Photography Business

Photographers generally like to focus on objective things: camera settings, lighting ratios, finances, etc. It is only natural to want to put your attention toward easily quantifiable things. However, that is not all it takes to find success as a professional. This fantastic video essay features an experienced pro discussing a subtler but crucially important skill all aspiring professionals need to develop.

Power Station for Photographers: We Review the Bluetti AC60

I have been searching for a portable power station that can meet my energy needs on the go and power my home office during power outages for some time now. And with the Bluetti AC60, I found a compact solution.

How to Edit a Landscape Photo Using an iPad, Lightroom, and Photoshop

In the beginning, the iPad was mostly an entertainment device meant for content consumption, but it quickly evolved into an incredibly powerful device for content creators, and when combined with Adobe's apps, it is an intriguing option for photographers on the go. This awesome video tutorial will show you how to use the iPad to edit landscape images using both Lightroom and Photoshop.

Canvas Is Still King: Canvas Gallery Wrap Gives the Portrait Printing Classic a Modern Makeover

If you offer portrait services in any way, be it weddings or family portraits, you will have sold a fair few stretched canvases in your time. Other wall products have come and gone over the years, but in this article, we explore why canvas is still that go-to product for photographers to showcase their work to portrait clients and suggest an elevated version to help you stand out from the rest.

A Review of the New Sigma 10-18mm f/2.8 DC DN Contemporary Lens

Sigma's new 10-18mm f/2.8 DC DN Contemporary lens offers APS-C shooters a very nice combination of ultra-wide focal lengths in tandem with a wide maximum aperture, making it a nice option for a variety of shooters, including landscape photographers, events shooters, and much more. How does it hold up in practice? This awesome video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

How This Photographer Made Six Figures in a Single Month With Less Than 20 Clients

For many photographers, the pursuit of passion is often overshadowed by the looming fear of financial instability. Visions of artistic fulfillment are frequently interrupted by sleepless nights, wondering if next month’s bills will be covered. In a saturated market where every other person with a camera considers themselves a photographer, standing out and making a comfortable living can seem like an elusive dream. But what if amidst these swirling doubts, you came across a story so compelling, it reignites the fire in your belly and renews your faith in the power of persistence and innovation?

What's New in Lightroom?

Lightroom version 13 is here, and continuing the trend of recent releases, it brings with it some major changes and new features that you will want to be aware of so you can get the most from the program and your image edits. If you have not checked out the latest version yet, check out this excellent video that will show you all the new features and how to use them to work on your images.

Comparing a $10,000 Camera Setup With the iPhone 15 Pro Max

The new iPhone 15 Pro Max has garnered a lot of attention thanks to its new capabilities such as recording to external storage, bringing it ever-closer to being a professional photography and videography tool (with particular focus on the latter). So, how close is it now?
Is Stock Photography Worth the Effort in 2023?

It used to be that if you were good at it and could invest the time, you could make a decent living from stock photography, but in recent years, the industry has evolved in what has very much been a race to the bottom in many ways, and it is a far less reliable income source than it used to be. Is it still worth the time and effort in 2023? This great video essay features an experienced commercial photographer discussing his experience with stock work in the past year.

Adobe Updates Its AI Technology Across the Creative Cloud Suite

At this year’s Adobe Max conference for creative and design professionals in Los Angeles, CA, the focus was on using AI technology to enhance creativity. As Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe Systems, stated, people are creating more than ever before, and it is Adobe’s intention to use AI to allow creators to become both more creative and more productive.

5 Gift Ideas for Wildlife Photographers

The holiday season is almost upon us, and I'm sure now is the time your significant other, family, or friends are scratching their heads on what to buy you. Perhaps, you are also looking for something new to put in your camera bag. In this article, I choose 5 items ideal for wildlife photographers.

Two Years With The Nikon Z9

Talking cameras isn’t always about lavishing praise on the most recent release. Nearing two years since I first placed my order, the Nikon Z9 continues to be the best camera I’ve ever owned.

Tips for Shooting Portraits in Harsh Sunlight

Taking portraits outside is great fun and can result in some amazing shots, but you'll likely have heard that you shouldn't shoot during the middle of the day, when the sun is at its highest. Why? It's difficult to make the light flattering, among other things.
Photographic Prints Like You’ve Never Seen Before

One of the most rewarding things you can do as a photographer is to see your images printed. Prints can be made either at home or at specialist labs, such as WhiteWall. Having dominated the fine art printing industry for years, WhiteWall keeps on evolving. Their latest innovation is related to monochrome photography.

5 Gift Ideas for Portrait Photographers

It is October already! Can you believe it? That also means the holidays are around the corner, and I'm sure many of you would love to receive some amazing camera gear or even treat yourself to something nice. In this article, I pick five items that would be ideal for any new or experienced portrait photographer.

Photography Is a Feeling

Landscape photography, at its core, is more than just a visual art form; it's a profound emotional experience. It's the art of capturing feelings, not just scenes. I want to take you on a journey through my lens to explore how photography transcends mere pixels and lenses, with my backdrop being the unforgettable Storm Agnes adventure at the Devil's Horns in Dingle.

Watch Every Episode of Photographing The World: Japan BTS for Free

We recently wrapped up filming our newest landscape photography tutorial with Elia Locardi, Photographing The World: Japan. As always, we filmed an entire behind-the-scenes series of our adventure, and now, you can watch every episode for free.
The Secret to Making Low Budget Films Look Expensive

Every videographer and filmmaker has to start somewhere and it can seem as if you need tens of thousands of dollars at your disposal to create anything worthwhile, but you don't. Here is one filmmaker's secret to making low-budget films look expensive.
Flying High: We Review the Sigma 100-400 f/5-6.3 for Fuji X Mount

Over the years Sigma has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality lenses, known for their performance, quality, and affordability, and this new lens for the Fuji X-mount is no different. With this telephoto addition, the current Sigma lineup consists of 4 prime lenses, and a zoom, giving us 6 lenses in total with a rumored 7th in the very near future.

Five Skills That Give New Photographers an Edge

Sure, it is wise for beginners to learn from experienced photographers, but there are certain qualities that most new photographers have that many experienced photographers spend years trying to recover.

Helpful Advice for Improving Your Photos

No matter what genre you shoot, there are some fundamental pieces of advice that will make you a better photographer. This fantastic video tutorial features an experienced photographer sharing some important bits of advice that will improve your images and help you focus on what really matters so you can find more enjoyment from your craft.

The Telephoto Lens: A Shortcut to Getting Attractive Images

Photography is an art that allows us to freeze moments in time and capture the beauty of the world around us through the form of photographs. Among the many tools a photographer can utilize to create their art, a telephoto lens stands out as a distinctive and excellent choice for those seeking to easily capture attractive and compelling images. In this article, we will discuss the advantages that telephoto lenses offer and also how they can help you get attractive images easily.