How Using Presets Helped Teach Me Lightroom

Even though people love to knock presets, if you look under the hood, you might learn some things about how many different ways you can manipulate your photos in Lightroom.

There Is More to Natural Light Images Than Just Natural Light

Want to know a secret? You know those images that look like they’re all natural light? Well, lots of the images are produced using some sort of flash or second light source. The flash isn’t used to replace the natural light, but rather to complement the natural light and fill in where that natural light just can’t pull its weight.

Canon Removes the Universal Hot Shoe Pin on Its Latest Release

Canon recently announced the EOS 200D Mark II, otherwise known as the SL3 as the company’s lightest DSLR. Besides being the lightest DSLR in Canon EOS range, it limits users’ abilities to use some third-party manual flashes and triggers.

LensCoat LegCushion Vs. LegWrap Pro: Which to Buy for Your Tripod?

Earlier this year, I wrote a full review of the new LensCoat LegWrap Pro. From the title, "The Best Way to Carry a Heavy Tripod Setup," you can probably guess that I liked it. Here I take a look another new tripod accessory from LensCoat, the LegCushion, and see how it compares to my beloved LegWrap Pro.

Which Fixed Lens Compact Should You Choose?

Fstoppers writer Andy Day recently published his thoughts on why Canon and Nikon should get into the full-frame fixed-lens camera segment and what that would mean for us as photographers. The Slanted Lens also did a great comparison of three existing options for a compact fixed-lens camera.

Create a Realistic, Versatile Lens Flare in Photoshop

Do you ever find yourself wanting to add a little pop of extra flare to your images, such as a backlit lens flare or maybe soft sunlight beaming in? This quick and effective method will show you how to create custom flares for your images in minutes.

Do You Want More Resolution? Use Super Resolution

Hasselblad was one of the first that used super resolution techniques. Today it can be found in many cameras, producing resolutions that are up to four times higher than the pixel count of the sensor. You can also do this with your camera. This is how it works.

Fstoppers Reviews Powerex MH-C980 8-Cell Charger-Analyzer

Maha's new Powerex MH-C980 8 Cell Charger/Analyzer is out and it's a full-featured, professional charging beast. Check out the nitty gritty on one of the most advanced AA/AAA battery chargers on the market.

Learn Lightroom in Less Than 30 Minutes

If you're new to photography and you want to know how professional photographers get their colors looking the way they do, this video will show you how. Lightroom is a powerful photo-editing piece of software and also one of the most used across the photography industry.

Top Tips and Techniques for Seascape Photography

Seascape photography is an important part of landscape imagery that can be done anytime of the year. If you are struggling with taking good seascape images, you should have a look at this video.

Why You May Benefit From Fewer Clients

When striving for success, the reality of what you want and what you pictured beforehand seemingly don't always align. In fact, they can appear wholly different and strange. This is one such peculiarity.

Five Low-Budget Filmmaking Techniques That Increase the Production Value

Having a low budget is not a restraint for making a great looking film. In our hands we have recording devices that have been a dream for young filmmakers in the past. In this video you will learn several tricks that will help you overcome your budget limitation achieving the same effect on your audience as if you had more resources to make it "for real."

Sony GM vs Sigma Art: Which 135mm f/1.8 Lens Is the Best?

Portrait lenses are getting more and more ridiculous these days with their oversized glass elements and their super wide apertures. It's like every year a company will come out and try and outdo everyone by producing the most over the top lens they can and honestly, I couldn't be happier.

A Stunning Time-Lapse Video of La Palma Island Filmed in 8K60

La Palma is a small volcanic island located on the most north-westerly side of the canary archipelagos. Its location, topography, and clear sky facilitates astronomical observations and offers great creative opportunities.

This Is My Favorite Portable LED Light For Video

Are you in need of a powerful, versatile, and compact RGB LED light that won't break the bank? I was and this might now be my favorite hot light for shooting on location.

Apple Aperture, We Hardly Knew Ye

Apple Aperture began with a bang in 2005 and promptly became a favorite of many professional photographers. But what began with a bang ends in a whimper, as Apple quietly issued a support document with some bad news for those few photographers who were still using it.

Why I Hate Pretentious Gearheads

Every so often, among the broad and amorphous photographic community, you will find a rather puzzling paradox: Gear doesn’t matter, and yet if you don’t have expensive gear, you’re not a proper photographer. How ridiculous.

Panasonic Lumix S1 Versus Sony A7III Is Bigger Better?

Panasonic Lumix S1 compared to the Sony A7 III, is Panasonic able to compete with one of Sony’s best selling cameras? Are they too late to enter the full frame market? And is bigger always better? Let’s find out.

How to Book Boudoir Shoots While Traveling

Michael Sasser sits down for a education filled interview with Victoria Caroline on how she successfully books twelve travel shoot in four nights. They discuss also what is important for copy writing on social media to engage with clients.

The Ricoh GR III: An Overlooked but Highly Competent Compact Camera

The Ricoh GR series has a long history stretching back to the film era, when they were known for their high quality (particularly for a point and shoot) 28mm lens. Ricoh has continued that tradition of quality as the series has moved into the digital era, and the third iteration looks to be quite a great option for those looking for a quality pocketable camera. This great video takes a look at the Ricoh GR III.

Do You Offer a Discount to Family and Friends for Your Photography?

Photographers provide a very useful service, and because of that, you will probably often be asked to provide those services for friends and family, and they might want a discount (or even want you to work for free). When that happens, should you indulge them? This great video explores that exact question.

A Quick Tip for Selecting Colors Outside of Photoshop

Photoshop's eyedropper tool is highly useful for selecting exact colors for a variety of uses while you're in the program. But did you know that you can also use it to select colors outside the program? This great video will show you a quick trick for selecting colors outside Photoshop.

Convincing Your Loved Ones That Photography Is a Real Job

For many going into a photography career, the untraditional nature of the job can lead loved ones to be concerned or even disapproving of the choice. This great video examines that dilemma, telling the creator's personal story and offering ideas on how you can deal with that issue.

Five Tips for Photographing your Pets at Home

If you like photography, have a camera, and have pets, they're going to meet sooner or later. Here, Matt Granger gives you his tips for photographing your pets at home.

Five Lightroom Tips You May Not Know About

With popular software in a perpetual state of change, it's always useful to keep an eye out for videos which offer tips and advice for things you may have missed.

How to Batch Edit Photos Consistently and with Style in Lightroom

Trying to create an overall feel or style for a collection of images can be challenging, especially if there is a large amount of diversity across a set that you want to present together. In this short video, photographer Julia Trotti explains how she uses Lightroom to create a cohesive collection of images.

Creating an Ultra Portable Off-Camera Flash Kit

Mention off-camera flash and people often think about C-stands, flash heads, large octaboxes, and V-flats. Hardly what you would call portable. So how do go about assembling one?

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (April 2019): Erik Johansson

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2019, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

What Do You Do When Your Client Would Rather Remove Your Image than Credit You?

Chasing clients to ensure I am properly credited for my work takes up more of my time than I care to admit. It’s frustrating to see my images used without due recognition, but none more so than this particular incident in which a relatively well-known musician’s team seemed to prefer removing the image from Instagram entirely, rather than simply adding my handle to the caption.

Improvisation on Last-Minute Shoots

While we all love it when a gig lands in our lap, sometimes the timetable doesn't work in our favor. Having a decent amount of time leading up to the shoot can be critical in getting the best results for you and your client.

Why Does Hollywood Use These Cameras?

Gear Acquisition Syndrome is something we've all had at some point. Unfortunately, it's a steep gradient with some of the most desirable gear costing small fortunes. The Arri Alexa sits near the peak of the mountain.

Samsung Patents 'Wraparound Display' for New Phone, Screens on Both Sides

While hype around its folding phone continues, Samsung has also acquired patent approval for another, different type of characteristic: a “multi-face display,” wrapping around both sides of the phone. The feature would allow both the phone user and their subject(s) to see what the image looks like while taking pictures.

Three Helpful Tips for Running a Successful Photography Business

There is a very distinct and fundamental difference between being a successful photographer and being successful in the business of photography. This helpful video will give you three tips to ensure you're successful when you start a photography business.

How Good Is the Panasonic S1 Full Frame Camera?

The Panasonic S1 has been making waves as the company's first full frame camera, replete with a fascinating feature set in a rugged body. Nonetheless, it's part of a very inundated full frame camera market, and it has a lot of stiff competition. How well does it fare against the competitors? This great video review seeks to answer that question.

How to Stack Tracked Star Shots With a Foreground

One of the fundamental issues in astrophotography is the general lack of light. To combat this, many serious astrophotographers turn toward equatorial mounts to allow them to get more light, but this can create difficulties if you have a foreground subject as well. This helpful tutorial will show you how to composite a foreground shot with a tracked night sky shot.

How to Get a Moody Feel to Your Cityscapes

A lot of cityscapes and cinematography of urban settings are moody and it's a very popular aesthetic. Here's how you can achieve the look with your own images using Lightroom.

Getting the Perfect Beauty Shot

Looking for the perfect beauty shot? In this video, Daniel Norton takes us through his way of lighting the subject in order to achieve the "beauty shot".

Photographer Captures Rare Lightning Phenomenon

An outdoor photographer has captured an unusual weather phenomenon in the central US region. Known as a “sprite,” the visual occurs in certain conditions during lightning storms, with the lightning extending well above the thunderstorm itself.