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Matt Murray
Brisbane, QLD, AU

Articles written by Matt Murray

Harman Phoenix 200: Brand New Color Film Made in the UK

There hasn’t been a huge amount of good news on the film photography scene this year. Every “new” film announcement either seems to be rebadged cinema film, rebadged Kodak film, or rebadged ORWO / Wolfen film.

Ricoh GR III: the Perfect Compact Camera for Street and Travel Photography

Is the Ricoh GR III the perfect compact camera for street and travel photography? Based on my time with the camera this year, I’d say yes. Having made the switch from the Fujifilm X100V to the Ricoh GR III I took the camera on a 3 week trip to Japan. It quickly became my most used camera - shooting with it was an absolute joy.

Why I Switched From the Fujifilm X100V to the Ricoh GR III Diary Edition

If you had asked me a year ago what the best compact camera was, my answer would have been the Fujifilm X100V. I'm a big fan of Fujifilm's fixed lens compact line, having owned one ever since the original X100 was released in 2010. What captivated me about it 13 years ago were the straight-out-of-camera JPGs. The color rendition of the f/2 Fujinon lens was simply gorgeous.

What Happens When Your Film Is X-Rayed 19 Times?

One of the most frequently discussed topics in any film photography Facebook group is traveling with film. Newbies and old hands alike will share experiences of transiting through various airports, detailing their success rate of asking for hand checks of their film with security staff.

The Perfect Vintage Digicam for Travel

If you’re looking for a vintage digicam for your travels, look no further than 2002’s Casio Exilim EX-S1. With a 1.3-megapixel CCD sensor, this ultra-compact digicam is sure to give your photos that early 2000s vibe. About the size of a credit card (though a little thicker), this is the perfect digicam for travel.

Is There Any Film Left in Japan?

From time to time you see images circulating on social media of Japanese camera store shelves awash with film. I’m not talking about half a dozen pro packs of Portra, I’m talking about hundreds and hundreds of rolls of film. More film than you could shoot in 10 years. Names of long-forgotten emulsions that many die-hard film shooters can’t even recall.

What Is This Mystery Japanese 35mm Color Film?

When I was in Tokyo recently I saw a mysterious 35mm color negative film I'd never heard of before. The only course of action was to buy the film, shoot it, and see what it was like. So how did it turn out and what film was it? Keep reading and find out.

Astonishing Super 8 Drone Footage

Strap yourself in, Jason De Freitas is back with a new project. This time he’s attached a Super 8 Camera to a drone and the footage is astonishing.

Is Artificial Intelligence the End of 'Real' Photography?

It feels like stories about AI have dominated photography news over the last year. Part of me keeps ignoring the headlines as an irrelevance, but chirping away in the background, the other part of me keeps asking: what does it all mean? What's AI capable of? Will it really be a revolution? And perhaps the biggest question of them all: are photographers at risk of becoming obsolete because of AI?

5 Compact Film Cameras Ricoh Pentax Should Bring Back

On December 20, 2022, Ricoh Imaging made an announcement that few in the photography community saw coming. The owners of the Ricoh and Pentax lines of cameras announced that they are looking at making film cameras again.

8 Inspiring Ways To Think Differently About Your Photography

One of my favorite books of all time is a little gem by British advertising legend Paul Arden “It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.” I read this little book about once a year, it’s funny, insightful, and full of advice and inspiration for creative people.

Is CineStill 400D Film the New Natura?

Is CineStiil’s new 400D a replacement for Fujifilm’s legendary Natura 1600 film? Many devotees of Fujifilm’s high-speed color negative film would find this an absurd proposition, but bear with me.

5 Point and Shoot Film Cameras Fujifilm Should Bring Back

Fujifilm gets a pretty bad rap these days from the film photography community. So, it’s easy to forget that from the 1980s to the early 2000s, Fujifilm produced some of the best cameras ever made: medium format, point and shoots, the extraordinary Xpan, and a sack full of other interesting goodies.

Ricoh R1s: The Perfect Pocket Film Camera?

Over the last couple of years, I’ve shot with over 60 point and shoot film cameras. You could say it’s an obsession, perhaps even an illness.

8 New Film Photography Announcements Ranked in 2022

It didn’t seem like there was much to cheer for film photographers in 2021. Supply chain issues, global film shortages, and price rises led to a wave of discontent among film photographers, leading many to cry into their soy lattes and burn their berets.

A Tribute to a Broken Film Camera

I’ll admit it — I’m a 35mm point-and-shoot junkie. I have a collection of electronic cameras that many film photographers would call "ticking time bombs". The reason for this is that many cameras made 20+ years ago were never intended to be used for this long.

Would You Buy a Digital Xpan?

The Xpan was one of the most innovative cameras ever produced. Launched in 1998, it was a joint venture between two giants: Hasselblad and Fujifilm. Its unique design brought panorama images to 35mm, with the ability to switch between standard and panorama images on the fly.